Why Are You Failing to Achieve Your Goals?
Dec 10, 2019Do you sometimes feel like you aren’t making any progress? Perhaps you’ve set yourself some goals and you never hit them? Or you aren’t making as much money as you want. Your practice isn’t growing as you want it to.
Are you feeling those frustrations?
Let me share with you my thoughts…
Do you have goals set in the first place?
Have you got a clear picture of what you are aiming for?
The reason many of us fail to progress the way we want to is because we are doing too much stuff. We don’t have a clear direction and we are constantly busy with the wrong things.
Here’s a process to help you get clarity in your mind, clarity that will help you achieve the things you want in your business or in your life.
You can watch the video here.
Think about your business and consider:
What will my business look like when it is finally done?
Think about that endpoint. What is your vision? How big do you want it to be? What profits do you want it to have? What will you specialise in? Where will it be, local, online, global? When do you expect to retire?
Write all of these things down so that you have complete clarity over the direction of your business.
Once you've done that, now consider...
How are you going to achieve that?
Consider where you want to be after 3 years, and where you want to be after 1 year. Will the 1-year goal help you to reach the 3-year goal?
Create your 3-year plan considering where you want to be in 3 years. Then create your 1-year plan.
Think of the strategies and the things that you need to do to meet that 1-year goal. Give yourself complete clarity over how you will get there. If that still feels really overwhelming, you can break it down into milestones.
Now think short term
I recommend you focus on the next 90 days, three months at a time. Where do you want to be in 90 days? I strongly recommend you only ever focus on three things at once. It might be building your website, changing your price, investigating a new niche.
Pick three things to focus on.
If you focus on more than that, it won’t happen. You will be overwhelmed and you will get too busy.
Work on hitting your 90-day goal. If you do that then by the end of the year you will have hit your annual goal.
Break it into milestones
You can even break it down further and think if you want to meet that 90-day goal what do you need to be doing in the week? How much time do you need to put aside? Do you need to make daily goals?
Every week just focus on those things. Ask yourself ‘what am I doing this week? What activity will get me closer to my goal?’
If you do a little bit every week and stay focused on those three things you will stay on track to achieve your vision. Just break it down into manageable chunks that you can celebrate achieving on a regular basis.
If you found this valuable and would like to learn more about value pricing, I run a free live online training session every month with a topic chosen by you. Attend live and you can ask me any questions you have. Click here to register and I will send you an invitation to the next session.
Wishing you every success on your pricing journey
Mark Wickersham
Chartered Accountant, Public Speaker and Author of Amazon No.1 Best Seller “Effective Pricing for Accountants”