The Power of FREE
Feb 05, 2018The power of free
Everyone loves a bargain. But actually, there’s something they love more.
Getting something for free.
The most powerful word in marketing
It’s the most powerful word in marketing. And it’s used all over the place in marketing copy.
A powerful way of presenting your prices to customers is through menu pricing using a tick list of options that shows customers what they do and don’t get. It’s visual, powerful and it works. And most of the time that technique means a series of ticks and crosses.
But sometimes you can add in something different. You can add in the word free.
It’s even more powerful than a tick.
As I’ve already said people love getting something for free. They love getting something more than they expected. It stands out.
Don’t go overboard
Of course, it could be tempting to go overboard. To use it everywhere. But don’t.
People like getting a bonus. Something extra. But use the word free everywhere and suddenly its value diminishes. Suddenly people don’t value what they get for free. So use it where it will work best. But most importantly use it sparingly.
You can watch the video here.
If you found this valuable and would like to learn more about value pricing, I run a free live online training session every month with a topic chosen by you. Attend live and you can ask me any questions you have. Click here to register and I will send you an invitation to the next session.
Wishing you every success on your pricing journey
Mark Wickersham
Chartered Accountant, Public Speaker and Author of Amazon No.1 Best Seller “Effective Pricing for Accountants”