About Mark


Mark Wickersham FCA


Mark Wickersham – Chartered Accountant, public speaker and #1 best-selling author – is known as the most sought-after profit improvement expert in the accounting community. He is famous for helping accounting firms double their profits in less than 18 months without having to work harder or do any uncomfortable marketing.

Mark is passionate about this great accounting profession. He believes that we have the power to make a profound difference to the lives of our clients and that in return, accountants should be very richly rewarded. Unfortunately, the reality is very different; benchmarking studies show over half of accounting firms are actually making a true economic loss.

Mark wants to CHANGE that.


Find out how YOU can make more money

Mark is passionate about the accounting profession and helping accountants to become much more profitable.  He believes that every firm – including your own – has the potential to double profits using the 7-step “Fastest Way To Double Your Profits” formula.

He also strongly believes that the old business model (the way accountants are taught to run accounting firms) is not only commercially wrong, but UNETHICAL.  We owe it to our clients to change our focus.  This is something Mark learned the hard way.


Don't make the same BIG mistake Mark made

Mark started his own accounting firm in 1996 and made dozens of stupid mistakes in the first 2 years.  Mistakes which had disastrous consequences on his profits and cash balances.  But in November 1999 all that changed.  With help from Steve Pipe, Michael Gerber, Paul Dunn and Ron Baker, he created the 7-step “Fastest Way To Double Your Profits” formula.

Not only did this completely transform the profits of his own accounting firm (which enabled him to sell it in a management buy-out a few years later), it has helped thousands of Accounting firms around the world.

Mark nowĀ mentors a vast community of accountants and bookkeepers through the Value Pricing AcademyĀ helping them to transform their results.Ā 

For example...


Here's what my students say...

Valentina Hogg

V&I Accountancy and Bookkeeping Services Ltd

"I am typically charging 30% more than I used to. In the last few months, my profits increased considerably. Apart from learning how to price my work and adding more value, I love the training around Business Advisory, which is helping me communicate online with confidence, building the foundations of my firm, better marketing my services, and winning new clients.

The Profit Diagnostic and Effective Pricing software also really helps me a lot to actively involve the clients in the negotiation process and offer them the best solution for the financial services needed."

Chris Marshall

CVK Solutions

"For the last 18 months have I looked forward to the monthly mentoring sessions with Mark. Every month we gain valuable insights into different areas which are like light bulb moments, always welcome and leading to a greater depth of knowledge that we can use to help our clients grow their business.

We have implemented a number of these internally and over the last twelve months we have seen an increase in turnover of 45% but an increase in profit of 100%. We are looking forward to the new pricing software which should set us on the next stage of our journey.

We are so grateful to you all for our continued support and encouragement and we look forward to learning more in the future."

Jessica Fox

Florida Virtual Bookkeeper

"I joined the Bookkeepers Pricing Academy when it opened in 2020 and upgraded to the Value Pricing Academy in early 2021.

Not only am I getting higher rates, but I have also gained confidence and learned new skills that have helped me with marketing, content creation, and advising my clients.

Within the first year of joining, my income grew over 70% and my monthly recurring revenue has grown over 144% this year so far!"


The Academies

This is for you if you are an accountant or bookkeeper running your own accounting firm and you want to master value pricing, win better clients, make more money and have more fun.


This is for you if you are a solo bookkeeper, run a small bookkeeping business or run an accountancy practice and you want to master value pricing, win better clients, make more money and have more fun.


This is for you if you are an accountant or bookkeeper running your own accounting firm (or wanting to start) and you want to master value pricingwin better clientsmake more money and have more fun.


Want me to speak at your event?


Mark is a professional speaker and presenter. Find out more about how Mark can make your event extraordinary in this short video:




Webinars are a powerful way to add value to your customers and I’d be delighted to run one for you.

Contact me here and let me know what you want and I’ll share with you some thoughts on how to create an impactful webinar to leave your audience inspired.



If you’re looking for a workshop – either for your customers or in-house training – I can provide full and half-day workshops covering a variety of topics. For example, my “The Fastest Way To Double Your Profits” workshop is guaranteed to help accountants improve their pricing and earn higher profits.

Contact me here and let me know what you want, and I’ll give you some possibilities for a powerful life-changing workshop.

Speaking at your conference


If you’re looking for a keynote speaker for your conference, contact me here and let me know what you want and I’ll give you some thoughts on how I can help make your conference a great success.

Contact Me

Mark's Books


Mark is the author of a number of incredibly valuable, best-selling books designed to help you on your value pricing journey, however far along that journey you may be.

My Books on Amazon - UK
My Books on Amazon - USA
My Books on Amazon - Canada

Effective Pricing for Accountants


The easiest way to make more money is simple... get the price right. It's also the fastest way of transforming your profits. If you put your prices up by 10% the impact is immediate.

The firms I work with are getting some incredible results from changing the way they price. For example, I'll share with you Phil's story of how he increased his fees from £250,000 to £400,000 in less than a year just by changing one thing.

The evidence is clear: The market does not set prices; firms do. In other words, prices are a choice made by practitioners. Some firms are much better at making pricing choices than others. The way firms make those pricing choices has a fundamental impact on their profitability and success. 

Time and time again we see firms that fully understand value pricing (and that doesn't mean simply giving a fixed price in advance of doing the work) get superior results.

A Practical Approach to Value Pricing


We live in exciting times! Technology is moving at an incredible rate and automating much of what accountants and bookkeepers have traditionally done. And whilst that might be scary, it opens up many opportunities to add more value to clients.

However, it is more critical than ever before to change our pricing models. As technology automates data entry and compliance work, when we cling to the old-fashioned time-based method of pricing we will see significant downward pressure on price. Simply put, time-based billing is no longer sustainable. We must switch to value pricing.

The trouble is, value pricing is hard. It’s hard because value is subjective. And to make things worse, every client values things differently. To make the successful transition to value pricing we need a system. And that’s what this book gives you. A 7-step formula you can use to price anything and get better results.

How to Build a Successful Bookkeeping Business


Research shows that very soon 95% of what bookkeepers do will be automated.  Technology is replacing the bookkeeper. That’s scary!

It’s also a big opportunity for the forward-thinking bookkeeper.  But to grasp that opportunity two things must happen:

  1. You have to add more value to clients than ever before, and
  2. It is more critical than ever before to change our pricing models.

Not only is this book highly practical, but it is also inspiring.  That’s because it is backed up by stories of bookkeepers doing amazing things and getting amazing results.  These stories are incredible and show you what is possible when we adopt a better business model.

Price: The fastest way to change profits


Have you ever felt there is downward pressure on price… your customers keep complaining over price; your competitors keep lowering their price; your margins are constantly being squeezed; customers aren’t paying you on time and you’re often short of cash; you’re working too hard and too many hours, and ultimately you’re not making enough money? If so, you’re not alone.

The most common underlying reason for these problems is the wrong way of pricing.

Unfortunately, most businesses use emotional pricing, which comes from a lack of understanding of pricing strategy; reacting to gut feel and emotion rather than from a proper understanding of the numbers. Without understanding the numbers, pricing strategy and price psychology, most small businesses end up competing on price with no real differentiation in the market.

Value Pricing for Accounting Professionals


Accountants and bookkeepers are working long hours but not making the profits they should. A value pricing strategy can lead to better prices for accounting professionals and better results for their clients.

The concept of value pricing is simple to understand but many accountants struggle with the price conversation and lack the confidence to charge higher prices. Value Pricing for Accounting Professionals is a practical guide to building a clear pricing strategy, feeling more confident and increasing earnings. It covers the critical steps to pricing a new client and how to re-price existing clients without losing them by quantifying value.

Become more profitable and deliver extraordinary solutions to clients with this essential guide to effective value pricing.

Don't just take our word for it...


Meet the Team

Mark Wickersham FCA

Public speaker and author of the Amazon #1 best-selling book “Effective Pricing for Accountants” – Mark is known as the most sought-after profit improvement expert in the accounting community.

Sarah Cross

Having worked with Mark for a number of years, Sarah has a comprehensive knowledge of value pricing.  This is vital in her role as the first point of contact for support relating to Mark’s Academies and software, where she communicates with members when they need help, answers their questions and ensures that they have everything they need in order to make the most of their pricing journey with Mark.

As well as providing support and assistance to Mark and the members, she also takes care of all the day-to-day administration tasks and manages the finances.

Emily Cross

Graduate of Manchester Metropolitan University in 2018 with a 1st class BA Honorary degree in English.

Emily is a proficient copywriter, a great researcher and is very tech-savvy.  She has been using these skills not only to create content for Mark Wickersham but also for members of our High Achievers program.  Emily is one of our Academy trainers and teaches marketing and online communication skills to our members to help them grow their businesses.

Gabrielle Wickersham

Graduate of The University of York in 2021 with a 1st class BA in English Literature and Philosophy.

Gabrielle has a talent for writing and design which she incorporates into her work for Mark Wickersham. She regularly creates resources for Academy members, produces marketing content, and manages social media performance.